实际上我发现出错了,我应该使用它们中的两个是我的服务器端口和另一个gmail服务器: spring.mail.properties.mail.smtp.socketFactory.port = 25 mail.smtp.port= 465
CouldnotconnecttoSMTPhost:smtp.126.com,port:25 2019-4-24 · 使用javamail发送邮件的时候,我使用的是网易126邮箱126邮箱的SMTP服务器地址:smtp.126.com(端口:25)注:这个链接可以查到各个邮箱的SMTP服务器地址常用邮箱SMTP服务器地址大全然后出现这个错误的原因是CouldnotconnecttoSMTPhost smtp - Gmail accepting postfix relay via Port 25 but 2020-6-10 · Roundcube therefore just sends emails to port 25 on the SMTP server (which resolves via RDNS to an in-domain address) and these are currently being sent-on successfully to gmail email addresses. I have checked via telnet from other hosts that the …
How To Troubleshoot & Check Email Server SMTP Port 25
Spring Boot 无法连接到SMTP主机: smtp.gmail. … 实际上我发现出错了,我应该使用它们中的两个是我的服务器端口和另一个gmail服务器: spring.mail.properties.mail.smtp.socketFactory.port = 25 mail.smtp.port= 465 ”SMTP connect() failed“ 原因及解决办法 - 付杰博 …
Use the restricted SMTP server aspmx.l.google.com .Connect to aspmx.l.google.com on port 25.
php - change smtp port from 25 to 587? - Stack Overflow 2019-11-18 · For those of you using MAMP and not able to send the mail from php mail() function because of port 25 being blocked by ISP (in my case) here is some information for you to solve it. as OSX uses postfix to send mails and if you plan to use external smtp server like smtp.gmail.com which i used here is what you should be doing. you need to configure Postfix to use Gmail as a relay host gmail ,smtp 465端口的问题.-CSDN论坛