In this post, a review of OpenDNS and Google DNS will be done. Thus, it is a direct match between OpenDNS and GoogleDNS. OpenDNS VS google DNS. OpenDNS; OpenDNS is one of the most popular DNS service providers. They offer free as well as premium DNS protection. OpenDNS offers many interesting and useful features like faster browsing speed, anti

2009-12-8 · 我之前的DNS使用的是OpenDNS,IP地址分别是208.67.220.220和208.67.222.222。本来觉得OpenDNS还算好记,这下Google大叔的DNS一出,我立马把知道啥才叫好记的IP地址了。 Google DNS真的值得启用吗?或者说真的值得作为首选DNS服务器吗? 免费DNS大餐选那个好?OpenDNS vs Google … 2009-12-8 · OpenDNS vs Google DNS Google不久前刚刚发布了自己的DNS为将来Chrome OS做准备,两个DNS服务器的IP地址分别是8.8.8.8和8.8.4.4。我在张大嘴巴感叹米国IP资源如此丰富和牛鼻之后,毅然使用了这两个 DNS作为我的电脑的首选DNS服务器。 Some thoughts on Google DNS - Cisco Umbrella

Feb 06, 2020 · Connect directly to the modem. If you can attach your computer to the Internet modem via Ethernet, you can bypass the network restrictions imposed by OpenDNS.Keep in mind that doing this in a work or school environment most likely constitutes trespassing, which is a serious offense.

2009-12-3 · Google launched a DNS service today, almost exactly four years after I started OpenDNS. This comes as no surprise as it was only a matter of time before one of the Internet giants realized the strategic importance of DNS. I’ve received a lot of questions from bloggers, journalists, friends and most importantly, our users. And […] 支持谷歌公众DNS和OpenDNS-智能DNS解析使用 … 2012-10-20 · 支持谷歌公众DNS和OpenDNS 发布时间:2012-10-20 DNSLA全面支持Google Public DNS 和OpenDNS 这个简短的消息对于互联网所有网民,对于DNS行业,意味着什么?Google 为了改进网络浏览速度、改善网络用户的浏览体验于2009年12月5日提供 Google推免费公共DNS服务 OpenDNS反击-技术 …

2019-6-2 · Configure your network settings to use the IP addresses and as your DNS servers. Or, read our configuration instructions (IPv6 addresses supported too).; If you decide to try Google Public DNS, your client programs will perform all DNS lookups using Google Public DNS.

公共DNS哪家强? - 知乎 - Zhihu 2017-12-22